PhD. Rubén Chacón Beltrán
PhD. Rubén Chacón Beltrán
A brief CV
Ruben Chacón Beltrán is a Professor at UNED (National Distance Education University), where he teaches courses of Degrees in English as a foreign language, sociolinguistics and seminars of Master in Bilingualism and linguistic policy. PhD in English Applied Linguistics by the University of Sevilla and he has worked in several Spanish universities. He is editor in the academic magazine ELIA: Studies of Applied Linguistics, director of the research group TISAAL and coordinator of the Master in English Applied Linguistics at UNED. Recently, he has been visiting professor at the Open University and Swansea University, in United Kingdom. Ruben has co-published many books such as Age in L2 acquisition and teaching (2006), Peter Lang; Insights into vocabulary teaching and learning (2010), Multilingual Matters; The impact of affective variables in L2 teaching and learning (2010), University of Seville; and Bilingual and Multilingual Education in the 21st Century: Building on Experience (2013), Multilingual Matters. He is also co-author of educational materials for English teaching as Gramática Ingles para Hispanohablantes (2010).