Profesionales de la Educación Bilingüe

Guest of honor

Dr. Stephen Krashen



Stephen Krashen professor emeritus at the University of Southern California is an expert in the field of linguistics that counts with more than 486 publications on the areas of second-language acquisition, bilingual education and reading.

The five main hypotheses of his widely known and well accepted second-language acquisition theory are studied worldwide by language educators:

• the Acquisition-Learning hypothesis;

• the Monitor hypothesis;

• the Natural Order hypothesis;

• the Input hypothesis;

• and the Affective Filter hypothesis.

His work has been recognized with several prestigious awards (Pimsleur Award, Mildenberger Award,…) and positions (National Association for Bilingual Education Executive Board, International Reading Association’s Reading Hall of Fame,…).

Dr. Krashen currently promotes the use of free voluntary reading as the most powerful tool in language education and helps educators by sharing many of his researches online at

Compelling Reading and Problem-Solving: The Easy Way (and the Only Way) to High Levels of Language, Literacy, and Life Competence

“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.” Pablo Picasso

The Potential of Technology in Language Acquisition

“There’s a growing technology of testing that permits us now to do in nanoseconds things that we shouldn’t be doing at all.” Gerald Bracey

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